I'm interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that appears to have no meaning.
It seems to me to be the road toward freedom. - James Douglas Morrison

Hey, what’s going on here? Is this going to be another boring photographer’s website? Well, I hope not. Unlike many other colleagues, I don’t want to distract you with cheap slideshows and similar animations. Silly calligraphy and exaggerated fine art fuss? Also a no-go!

I prefer to concentrate on the essentials and let the pictures speak for themselves. That’s why the structure of this site is rather spartan. After all, I don’t want to sell you anything here, but rather create an area away from social networks where I can present my work uncensored.

But now to me. My name is Oliver, I’m from Osnabrück in Lower Saxony (no need to know that place) and although I’ve always been fascinated by extraordinary images, I didn’t start taking photos myself until relatively late. Of course, I always had my cell phone with me and everything interesting or bizarre I came across was captured for posterity.

In my capacity as a web developer (both programming and design), I have been working with other people’s photos for many years. So aesthetics and visual language are no foreign words to me. The combination of these factors meant it was only a matter of time, and ever since a good friend gave me my first “real” camera (a Canon EOS 6D), I couldn’t be stopped.

As far as my choice of subjects is concerned, people are clearly in the foreground. I find rigid landscapes and architecture rather boring and am only interested in them as a background when shooting a model. An outstanding pose, the perfect look at the right moment and preferably spontaneously … capturing such moment, that’s it!

I don’t want to commit myself to a specific genre. I like to improvise and experiment with various stylistic devices, especially during post-processing. The result is reflected accordingly in my portfolio and also explains the choice of the name IMAGEMAYHEM – it’s supposed to be a chaotic mess.

But now enough text. Thank you for sticking with me to the end and have fun here. If you like my pictures have a look from time to time, on social media I only post samples with watermark and in low resolution.

Die Tatsache, dass eine im konventionellen Sinn technisch fehlerhafte Aufnahme gefühlsmäßig wirksamer sein kann als ein technisch fehlerloses Bild, wird auf jene schockierend wirken, die naiv genug sind zu glauben, dass technische Perfektion den wahren Wert eines Fotos ausmacht.

Andreas Feininger